Thank you to Romantic Historical Reviews for what has just become my favourite review for Prohibited Passion. Reviewer Anita calls the prose ‘beautiful’ and the portrayal of the Prohibition era ‘fascinating’. Best of all, are her comments on the sexual tension – ‘sweet but hot’.

You can read the rest of the review here:

Do you read one particular time period – or do you read quite widely across all periods?

This question came up recently on Kboards, the site for Kindle authors, and I’m curious to know the answer.

At the moment, Amazon lumps all historical romances into one category. Since there is such a vast range of historical settings, from ancient civilisations to 20th century, it can be hard to find books that appeal to your particular tastes if you are more selective about what you read.

It’s particularly interesting that such a large genre is lumped together, when more niche books, like military romance, time-travel romance, holiday-themed romance and sports romance (I kid you not!) have their own categories.

What do you think? Do you think Amazon should create searchable sub-categories for different historical settings or time periods?

If you feel strongly about this, either as a reader or an author, you can add your voice to the call to Amazon here. Click on the yellow ‘Contact us’ button, log in, then click on ‘Something Else’, select ‘More non-order questions’ from the drop down list, then ‘Give Amazon Feedback’ then ‘Opportunities for Improvement.’ Type your email to them and hit send.

I know it sounds complicated but it is easier than it sounds – though Amazon don’t make contacting them easy!

Just out of interest: I’ve heard that Barnes & Noble have 17 sub-categories for historical romance!


Here’s a sneak peek into Prohibited Passion, which will be released on Amazon on 1st May. Jazz, Prohibition, and a trans-Atlantic cruise liner form the backdrop for this 1920s romance.

* * *

“It’s a raid!” someone yelled.

The music crashed to a stop, and suddenly people were everywhere, running in all directions and shoving around her.

Colin grabbed her hand and pulled her across the dance floor, to the back of the club behind the podium.

“My stole!” she cried, but the din swallowed her voice.

Then she saw a door that hadn’t been there before, where a concealed panel had slid open in the back wall. Jenny followed Colin through the door, hanging onto his hand so as not to get separated from him in the push of the crowd. Casting one last look back at the club, its dazzling lights still shimmering off every surface, she saw that the waiters had begun to hammer wall panels over the bar, concealing the liquor behind a fake façade. Then she was borne away down another long, dingy corridor and out into the cool, crisp air of an unlit alley at the back of the building.

They followed the crowd into a side street. The wails of police sirens at the front of the building was louder here. She drew a shaky breath of relief, adrenalin coursing through her and making her blood pump and her head clear. And that was when she remembered Tom. Where was he? Had he got out in time? Or had the police found him?

Surely as the owner of the night club, he could not hope to escape unscathed?

“This way.” Colin tucked her arm through his and they headed away from the club at a brisk pace, towards Fifth Avenue where they melted into the late evening crowd.

Tom had made no move. And she hadn’t needed to make a choice.

An Innocent Abroad is now available! This coming of age story is set on the Amalfi coast of Italy in the early 1920s.

Fresh from finishing school, Isobel Harrington is sent to spend the summer in Italy with cousins in order to catch the eye of the eligible Hon. Christopher Barrett.

But rather than Christopher, it is enigmatic Italian Stefano who awakens Isobel’s sensuality, and who introduces her to the daring new idea that anything is possible, if only you want it enough.

Get your copy at Amazon, Amazon UK or The Wild Rose Press. And it’s available at a special discounted price on All Romance eBooks.

Let’s Misbehave is also currently on sale at the low, low price of just $1.99 from The Wild Rose Press or from Amazon.